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Process Service Thailand

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Process serving is used to give legal notice to a specific individual or legal entity, providing them with the ability to respond and in so doing establishing legal jurisdiction over them concerning any specific case. Process serving may be a required in many different situations. From cases which involve divorce or family court disputes, for example, right through to litigation, bankruptcy or winding up petitions, and in many other different circumstances.

Whatever the case, you can trust Bangkok Investigators to carry out a timely and effective process service every time. We can help to serve summonses and documents on behalf of local (and more commonly foreign) courts. Working from our Bangkok office, we cover all areas of Thailand and even neighbouring countries in some cases. We give our clients the best experience possible with person to person contact throughout the process.

Process serving requirements can vary greatly from one jurisdiction to another, and if you need our assistance then please be sure to outline all of your requirements when getting in touch with us. We will do our best to understand your needs and provide the most efficient and cost effective solution in your case.

Hire a process server in Thailand

Thailand is a relatively large country and our fee for process serving can vary depending on the location of the assignment and any associated travel expenses. Please be sure to include a full address, or at least the city or province and district when getting in touch with us regarding a process serving case. This will enable us to calculate any travel time/expenses and provide a free, no obligation quote.

Please also specify your requirements for the service: i.e., Do you require an affidavit as confirmation of the service, or could photographic evidence suffice? Do you require us to sign any documentation as part of the service? We frequently serve documents from many jurisdictions around the world and requirements can vary from case to case; please outline your requirements when getting in touch and we will do our best to help.

When requesting a quote, please also specify the number of pages that you require service of, and whether these documents can be printed in colour or in black & white.

Locating a subject prior to service

In cases where the subject's current location is unknown or uncertain, it may be necessary to conduct a preliminary investigation in order to locate and verify their current whereabouts before conducting a process serve. Skip tracing investigations of this nature can vary greatly in their scope and cost, depending on the respective circumstances in each case.

A businessman looking through binoculars

If you require our assistance with locating a subject, then please be sure to include all information that is known on them with your inquiry.

How to proceed

We offer free, no pressure quotes for all work. If you require our assistance with process serving in Thailand then please feel free to get in touch with us through our secure contact form, remembering to include all relevant details and information along with the information.

Contact us

Contact us for a free case assessment.

Phone: +66 (0)20-360-604